Richard Coke

Q: Why do you love beer?

A: Taste—and its ability to make me a better singer and dancer! Oh, and more intelligent!

Q: What kind of beer are you brewing?

A: I am brewing Kernza Wheat. This beer makes use of an up-and-coming sustainable grain product. It is a perennial, rather than an annual wheat, which gives the beer a nutty, complex flavor. I think any beer drinker would enjoy it, especially those who appreciate pilsners, brown ales, and stouts.

Q: Are you brewing in honor of anyone? Would you like to say anything about their story?

A: I am brewing in honor of my Mother, Myrna Alexis Shehi Coke. She lost her life at age 51 due to breast cancer.

Q: Do you have any favorite memories, interesting opinions, or otherwise notable things to relate about your love for brewing?

A: I am always impressed when I see how congenial and supportive the participants are to their fellow brewers. They exchange ideas with a great degree of excitement!

Q: Are you new to brewing or an experienced hand? How long have you been brewing for KFTC?

A: This is my second year brewing for KFTC.

Q: What is your favorite beer or style?

A: Pilsners, brown ales, and stouts.

Q: Anything else you’d like to say?

A: I am looking forward to the event! Since KFTC started, I have only missed one of its events.