Lacy Phillippe

Q: Why do you love beer?

A: It brings people together!

Q: What kind of beer are you brewing? 

A: I will be bringing a Mead which was made with honey from our bees and sweetened with varietal honey that gives it a unique flavor specific to the flowers which the bees collected nectar and pollen from (blackberry and tupelo). This is a gluten free brew made only from honey and yeast.

Q: Are you brewing in honor of anyone? Would you like to say anything about their story?

A: I am brewing in honor of my Aunt MaryLou Hembree, a double cancer survivor.

Q: Are you new to brewing or an experienced hand? How long have you been brewing for KFTC?

A: Zach and I have brewed together for almost 18 years, but. Have contributed to KFTC for 6 years! It is a great cause!

Q: Do you have any favorite memories, interesting opinions, or otherwise notable things to relate about your love for brewing?

A: Brewing craft beer and drinking craft beer is how Zach and I met. It is good for a relationship to have some shared hobbies!

Q: What is your favorite beer or style?

A: I like traditional english styles and german styles.